It is with great pleasure that we announce that the protagonist of the Academy’s first documentary film Przemysław Runo was the Crooked Circle. Warsaw artist, specializing in extraordinary art Lithography, gave an interview introducing the world of artistic crafts, whose works are as unusual as the process of their formation.
Lithography, known by the concept of flat printing technique, although it was created 227 years ago, originally used as a commercial reproductive technique, it evolved over time into the form of a tool Artistic, taking a contemporary form of expression. As a workshop art to this day, it is One of the elements of the discussion on the legitimacy of using traditional forms of production, at the same time reducing the reflection on whether there is still a place in the current culture of consumption space for extraordinary works, characterized by an individual face.
The art of lithographic printing goes far beyond what is currently used in applied graphics Reproductive solutions. Each lithographic print is an original and unique work, which is the result of specialized technical skills and artistic craftsmanship.
Knowledge of the creative process allows you to look at ready-made projects from a different perspective
And individual works, where in addition to precise technical service, among others, stone etching printing and press applications, painting and drawing techniques are intertwined with experimental forms. At the same time, it is the art of planning and spatial thinking required from the artist before applying subsequent layers of graphics to paper, order selection covering colors in order to obtain the desired color, the image of a mirror image of the work resulting from the use of a hand press. The beauty of lithography is also in the fact that thanks to plasticity of the creative process, possible introduction of modifications during printing, effect the final one may further surprise and deviate from the initial assumption.
The perspective of the contemporary use of traditional printing form will be presented by the film directed by Mikołaj Miętek, an experienced cameraman and editor, under whose watchful eye they create productions of the Foundation, the implementation was also supported by Lily Salska-McNeil as an assistant camera operator.
This document is the result of collaboration with the artist and master of printing Przemysław Runo, who pursues his passion in the space of the Experimental Studio of Lithography of Pablo Picasso, a branch of the Center Promotion of Culture in Warsaw.
While waiting for the film, we invite you to visit the official website of Przemysław Runo and familiarize yourself with
With the person and work of a Warsaw artist.